Freedom Healing
Healing from the inside out

It's not a process of healing anything broken within you, but of freeing the fullness of who you are.

Do you feel dissatisfaction?
Do you feel disconnection?
Do you feel unfulfilled potential?
Do you feel incomplete, yet you don’t know why?
Do you feel off-balance physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually?
Do you feel restricted by unseen boundaries?
Do you feel darkness within?
Do you?
I did.

I, too, have felt all of those things, and I have felt incapable of altering my circumstances. But through deep exploration of my inner world, through welcoming the voice of my True Self, and through simply Being Love, I have emerged from what felt to me like an invisible prison within.
That sounds intense, I know! And to be honest, it was pretty intense, but it continues to be the most powerful and rewarding freedom I have ever experienced.
What can be more satisfying than your own emergence to your truth?
What can be more fulfilling than your own ‘coming home’ to who you truly are?

What I present to you as a healing facilitator, is a beacon of light. I don’t walk your path for you; I don’t even try. But I do hold you safe in the light of my own homecoming, so that you may walk your own path with the illumination that comes from experiencing it first-hand.
I can be your support person.
I can be your loving guide.
I can honour your personal blockages and the lessons they present to you.
I can assist you to unlock your fullness.
I can fine-tune your energy body, in preparation for your emergence.
I can share with you the Freedom Wisdoms I receive.
But what I cannot do and won’t ever try to do, is tell you what you ought to feel, or when you ought to feel it, or how you ought to respond to your journey’s challenges, or when you might expect to experience your own freedom within. Because this journey you undertake has no right way and no wrong way; it has no one path; and there is no such thing as failure. There is simply an unfolding, if you like, of what is within not just you, not just me, but us all, no matter where we are in terms of our emergence to our truth.

Where you are right now, is right where you need to be to take your first breath of discovery, your first inhale of ALL that you are, your first comprehension that you may simply be far greater than you ever, ever realised.
If you’re honest, you have sensed this Brilliance within. You have recognised that you have something within you that has not been realised. But perhaps you have denied it, you have ignored it, because you have been uncertain of this Brilliant something within.
I can tell you from my own experience that something is not nothing; that something is nothing to fear; that something is deep within you, that something wishes to be free, and that something is simply who you are in your fullness.
You see, when we journey home to our truth, we journey from a forgetful place to one of remembrance. It’s not that we have ever not been who we truly are, but that we have simply forgotten.
So let's now consider how we can begin to remember.
Let's have a closer look at Freedom Healing.

What is Freedom Healing?

Freedom Healing supports the awakening of the wisdom that honours allowance of the all.
Freedom Healing is how I describe the support I offer you. It is not healing on a physical level, but healing on a spiritual, mental, and emotional level. Physical healing may occur naturally during this awakening process, and it often does, or it could simply no longer be a block to your flow.
You see, the healing that I support you with is the healing of blocks to your flow of energy within. I can assist you to welcome your own wisdom, holding space for you to offer your own fullness freedom, and through this you will learn that healing is not a process of elimination, but a process of allowance.
I do not facilitate healing from my Lower Self, for my Lower Self has little understanding of the anatomy of the body or the requirements of yours; I am not a doctor. But my freedom within allows me insights beyond the Lower Self. I can feel in my own body where you are blocked in yours, and I can assist you to flow more freely in these areas, mirroring the shifting of that energy as it is allowed freedom.

When I sense in my own system blocked energy within yours, I offer it my allowance, I offer it my respect, I offer it space to exist. I am resonating at a frequency that stimulates flow,
I am welcoming your energy to flow.
Like attracts like, and so because, during our session, I allow a free-flowing state within, my flow of energy stimulates yours, awakening a remembrance of this allowance of the all. The more that this awakens, the more that you consciously understand the healing process, the more you will become aware that you are healing yourself, simply by respectfully allowing all within you to BE.
You see, within energy, even blocked energy, there is wisdom, and that wisdom simply requires freedom to BE, without our mind getting in the way, so that it can heal its own Self as it inherently knows how to do! So by allowing blocks to BE, pathways are repaired and systems are fine-tuned to flow freely, and that all happens not through manipulation, not through control, but through simple allowance of the wisdom of Love inherent in all energy to freely flow.
Energies flow through invisible pathways or rivers within us, and they don’t need us to dictate how to flow, they just need us to give them freedom to do what they do or to BE as they are, and with that freedom, they don't become blocks. With that freedom, they don't darken our light.
But sometimes we need some guidance because sometimes the blocks are dense and forgetful of their innate wisdom, and this is where my connection to Source comes in. I can freely allow Wisdom to flow through me and into the energy within you, igniting remembrance of the power of Love, which is simply the allowance of the All.
How do I do that ? How do I guide energy to freedom ?
Though pure freedom within.
Through pure reception of wisdom.
Through pure, uncontaminated intention.
My intention is powerful, and that intention is freeing and healing. But don’t mistake that intention as THE healer, for all it is, is a guide igniting the wisdom within your system; all it is, is a light illuminating what was already within.
Being pure is not anything that you are not. Being pure is being all that you are. We’ve just got to allow the freedom of those blocks within, so that all you are is ALL you are: pure, Brilliance of Love.

The purpose of this introduction to the Freedom Healing I support is to annul any falsehoods you may have attached to the process of energy healing.
So, in summary ...
​​There is no magic or special technique other than the allowance of what IS.
But sometimes it is difficult to welcome allowance on our own. Sometimes the blocks are too dense.
So sometimes a little guidance of the flow is required.
Sometimes a little sensing of the blocks to that flow is required.
And sometimes a little Freedom Wisdom that pertains to your True Self and its Brilliance is graciously offered, with the pure intention of honouring the expression of Love that you are.
At no time do I ever dictate who you are. I simply support the unfolding of that truth, however that awakens for you.
I have trained in various techniques, but these have only served to enlighten my comprehension of the intuitive healing that I support. So whilst I may offer particular modalities of healing, understand that I am not adhering to one or the other, but to the All, depending on your flow of energy within.
Not only am I an advocate for honouring your own ability to heal your Self, but I am a work-in-process example of that statement.
Perfection is nothing other than freedom of flow within.
I continue to allow the freedom of my flow, and perhaps I can welcome and awaken and fine-tune that same freedom within you.

I offer you my qualifications HERE, but please understand that all I am offering you is what awaits you when you come home to who you truly are.
The power of Love, the allowance of the All, should not be underestimated, it should not be denied, and it should not ever be refused, because if you block the All, by definition and by experience, you block your True Self.
I offer you not imprisonment of your fullness, but Freedom within and the wisdom that Freedom delivers.

Your journey has no beginning, no middle, and no end.
It only has blocks to your remembrance of who you are. So as soon as you welcome the gifts of those blocks, the lessons of those pains, you start to awaken, you start to allow freedom within, and you start to receive wisdom from your fullness.
Perhaps a good first step on your journey Home is the welcoming of the Love within the Freedom Wisdoms I share. You see, they carry with them energy, and that energy can be nurtured within you, if you allow it. And there’s a remarkable thing about the energy of Love: a little goes a long way.
yes, a little Love goes a long way .
A little seed of Love grows into a tree far greater than that little seed, and it flowers repeatedly, and the scent of those flowers can change the world.
yes, a little Love can change the world .
If you want to change the world, you first need to flower within, you first need to process your own blocks, you first need to honour your own pains, and you first need to accept your True Self, whoever that is revealed to be.
But the truth never lies, so fear not, the truth will reveal the
Brilliance of Love
Connect , please connect.
We are never disconnected but we are often isolated by our forgetfulness.
Connect even if you have no desire for my healing support.
Connect even if you’re feeling so dark that my light is painful.
Connect to disagree.
Connect to deny my truth.
Connect to ask questions.
I welcome ALL because it is from here, from this point, from where you are right NOW, that your questions, your denial, your disagreement can be perfectly processed with allowance, and if you choose to use that wisely as an example of freedom within, then your fullness will start to brilliantly shine.