Wow, just wow! You really do have an incredible gift beyond the realm of most of our conscious understanding.
I came into your session prepared just with a mindset of being open to receiving, but you opened my heart and soul to truly feel where my mind has been stopping me from allowing my grieving.
You helped me, without me needing to try in any way at all, to visualise and feel my blockages, as words came into my mind of past hurts or situations I thought I had healed through, but still clearly had not.
You powerfully, yet so gently, helped my body connect with my emotions, and the release, forgiveness, and sensation of peace and healing was phenomenal. That I could visualise and physically feel movements of release via ZOOM is testimony to your gift.
You are immensely knowledgeable and translate your spirit world messages and healing conversations with those gone before us in such a natural way, and without any touch you guide a physical release of burdens held onto unconsciously. It all felt so natural and in no way uncomfortable. I felt incredibly relaxed.
I am enormously grateful and can't wait for more sessions.