I discovered this picture-perfect, rest-worthy, soul-feeding possie yesterday, and I embraced all it had to offer with Deep Joy.
Some pockets of this immensely Brilliant world seem to resonate in ways that trigger within me peace, if peace is this wondrous freedom I feel from the inside out.
It’s like there’s an energy that envelops me, and I notice in myself a transformation. I soften and I open, and my senses awaken so that I feel at one with what is.
I am not denying my role in this phenomenon, for like the all, I am One with what is, and I can experience my Oneness anytime, anywhere through meditation, but I am becoming increasingly aware of how different pockets of the world seem to meet me with peace as their offering.
And I know when this happens that I am being met with a resonance in harmony with my own; that I have entered an equilibrium of Brilliance.
I am gifted awareness in this Now that this phenomenon is as beneficial for Mother Earth as it is for me — that it feeds us both to be in harmony in this way, as if the Love that we are is heightened by this reflective offering of our Brilliance.
So find your peaceful places and appreciate your peaceful resonance, for it gifts our Brilliant Mother just as much as it gifts our experience of who we are.
With Love
Kirsty 💛