If we spent as much time rallying for freedom within as we do fighting for freedom externally, my Wisdom tells me that fighting would be redundant, as freedom externally would be the outcome or the reflection of our Self freely shining within.
You see, were we all to truly free our Self, allowing our fullness freedom of flow, fighting would be unnecessary at all times, for fighting is a lack of allowance of the all. Fighting is the Fool’s game, and by Fool, I am referring not to the Self but to the ego.
Our Fool needs to be reminded of our truth. It needs to be gifted our understanding that it was only fighting for freedom externally because we had not freedom within. Were we free within, our Fool would be guided by the Brilliance of Love at our core to see the Other not as the enemy, but as a mirror at all times of a denied aspect of ourselves.
Discrimination begins within. We discriminate against one half of our truth when we deny one half of our fullness of feelings. Were we to honour with Love ALL that we are within, were we to embrace the opposites not as enemies but as partners gifting each other existence, were we to genuinely allow our fullness freedom to simply be, might I be bold enough to suggest that this would manifest as an allowance of our uniqueness externally?
We are heading towards this honouring of our truth, and the more that we deeply sense, freely allow and respectfully share the wisdom of our heart, the more we will resonate the unconditional Love that we are, manifesting allowance of the all.
Look within, heal within, be guided from within. If we are Brilliant within, our mirror will reflect Love, and Love will heal the world.
This Wisdom surpasses anything my Fool could have offered you, and I share it realising it is intended as much for my ears as it for yours. I do not preach from a position of superiority, but I have mastered allowance of the all within, and the Wisdom I receive is testament to that freedom.
Thank you. Kirsty