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Writer's pictureKirsty Collett

Forgiving the forgetfulness of our truth

I have been gifted this beautiful Wisdom specifically for the Simply Being Love community. It speaks of fear-filled reactions and forgiveness in its truest sense, and I am trusting that it will be received by those who need it at this time:

Recently, you have responded in a way that you regret. You have responded from a place of fear and not freedom. But don’t beat yourself up. Don't shame yourself within. Don't let it fool you into believing you are faulty, for there is no fault other than forgetfulness of your truth. And here we speak of fault not as an accusatory statement but as a shifting of perspective for your benefit.

Forgive your response, for it did not and cannot and will not determine your Brilliance. Honour it with compassion. It was a fearful response, yes, but it can teach you if you allow it to be your guide. Allow it to guide you more deeply inwards towards the fear that triggered your response.

Sometimes fear gets a bad rap, as if it is our enemy; we fear the fear. But fear, if responded to with Love, can assist us greatly. If we can simply be with deep fear within, honouring it only with our fullness of awareness and not with a reaction to its presence, then we can allow it to flow through us and not stick to us.

How do you forgive yourself for responding out of fear? You don’t. You just recognise that forgiveness is unnecessary. It is not necessary to forgive, when truly, forgiveness is not required. Instead, offer yourself the Brilliance of allowance. We are not suggesting here that you allow further actions mistakenly guided by fear, just that you allow with Love your forgetfulness, realising that true forgiveness is allowing with Love our forgetfulness of who we are.

True forgiveness is realising that regardless of any action, we are one Love. True forgiveness comes not from the mind, it is not a gift from our Lower Self, it is not a gift offered to another by will; but rather, true forgiveness is the mirroring of another’s Brilliance, so that they may have a reflection not of their forgetfulness, not of their fear, not of their blocks, but of their fullness, their truth, their presence as a Being of Love.

When we offer another compassion towards their actions or their ignorance or their forgetfulness, then all of the energies that they triggered within us can flow through us and not stick to us, for we are not holding on mistakenly to false hood.

We can offer this same compassion to our fear within. We can compassionately hold our fear, not with more fear, but with Love. When we hold anything with Love we’re offering it freedom to simply be and this freedom allows what no longer serves us to flow through us and from us, so that when action is required, we are acting in alignment with our truth instead of reacting to an energy denied the Love that we are.

So my Love, release with compassion any guilt, for guilt is only hindering your flow. Instead, source deeply from the Love that you are, for the Love that you are is Brilliant.

Thank you.


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