Help is a word with many connotations. It can mean, for many people, suppression of power, as if to be helped is to be assaulted in some way, as if it is an insult to be offered assistance; as if to ask for help is to indicate powerlessness instead of strength. And I know that because I felt that.
Help. Help me. This was my doodle when I was on the phone, my doodle when I was in lectures, my doodle in my diary, my doodle within.
Without even giving it much attention, Help me arose as a doodle from within. I didn’t know what needed help, all I knew is that Help me was my doodle.
Isn’t it remarkable that those words were doodled all over and yet I was ignorant of why? Oh, I had many whys that required help externally, many overt symptoms of this doodle within, but the help that I was able to ask for and receive was not the help that my doodle within required.
You see, my Inner Being was trapped, she was struggling to Brilliantly be. With an enormity of blocks to her flow, all she could do was doodle, Help me.
I didn’t want to appear to need help and, boy, did I succeed in achieving that appearance. Boy, did I mask the external symptoms fiercely, with the skill of an award-winning actress.
But now I consider that skill not to be award-winning, but Soul-damaging, not because I can ever truly damage my Soul, just because it prevented my Soul from providing me with all the help I would ever need.
Help arrived abruptly, dramatically, severely in the form of an Awakening that shook me from the inside out to freedom. But I now see that the drama of my Awakening was only required because I did not have the awareness to Brilliantly allow my fullness within me to simply be.
Help. Help me. These may just be the most powerful words you will ever utter. If you are also without the awareness of how to allow your fullness to simply be, so that the Brilliance of all that you are may find harmony within, then I am offering you my hand, freely, to assist you, if that resonates deeply at your core.
Thank you.