I feel an enormity of wisdom arising within the all in relation to the stories we are told to believe — stories with concepts of reality that are terrifying for the reader or interpreter. I would never read my children horror stories, yet we are gifted them every day and told to believe them as our truth. I’m feeling a rising need to observe these stories — not with blame, just with awareness — so that we can rewrite a narrative that aligns with our truth. One story I’m being reminded of is in relation to magic. This story — widely spoken, believed, and honoured as truth — paints our inherent power within as dangerous, as if our instinctual senses are weapons of mass destruction. This story warns us against tuning-in beyond the mind, as if a world of irrationality will eat us alive. This story is held up by nearly every system we honour in society. But my truth tells me a different story, and it’s not horrific but joyful. This story honours the wisdom of our truth as Brilliance illuminating our journey in this dimension. It honours our ability to weave intuitive knowings into the rationality of our mind where they are not ruling, just guiding with Love our Beings to freedom. These intuitive knowings arrive like magic into our Being in order to gift us direction that aligns with our truth. The mind is not there to shoot them down but to befriend them as gifts of Love. The mind serves the heart, and here I am not referring to the broken heart of our Lower Self, but to the Higher heart of the All that we are. Imagine if the story surrounding this magical Brilliance within us all was gifted to our youngest, not as a fairy tale but as truth. Imagine how empowered our youngest would feel, not fearful of their Brilliance, not shameful of its presence, but held by their faith in the magic of the All, so that if in doubt, if plagued by fear, if sensing the same in others, they could source from within Brilliant guidance that no mind could ever offer. What story do you hear when you tune-in to your truth within? It’s never too late to learn that magic doesn’t just belong in fairy tales. With Love Kirsty