Upon waking, I reach into my deep pockets of awareness, and I pull out a feeling that simply is. Perhaps it’s been triggered by a dream, by a thought upon waking, or by what lies ahead to experience that day.
By pulling it out of my deep pockets, I offer it an opportunity to be seen in the light of Love, and more often than not, it dissolves into nothing.
Imagine if I didn’t shine the light of Love on this energy. Imagine how much it could influence my day.
When we Love all feelings equally, denying not one of them as belonging to our whole, we transform them from something into nothing, and don’t mistake nothing as something of insignificance, for nothing is the birthing place of Brilliance.
I invite you into meditation, even if just for a few moments, upon waking. I invite you to be aware lovingly of whatever feeling simply is.
Hold it with the fullness of your awareness, breathing not into anything it is attached to — not the dream, not the thought, not what lies ahead, for they have simply triggered what is — but into the realisation that this feeling has simply risen for allowance.
Stuff it not back down into your pockets to carry around with you all day. Just feel this energy-in-motion within.
Welcome with Love this aspect of the All. This doesn’t mean you need enjoy it, want it, or even deserve it — they are all mind-based experiences of feelings.
In meditation, we shift beyond our mind to experience choicelessly what is, offering freedom for our fullness to simply be.
Don’t confuse offering energy freedom within with offering fear of the mind freedom within; rather, we are shifting beyond the mind, attaching no judgement to what simply is. We are allowing with Love the all.
No energy wishes to remain stuck, so when we release it from the shackles of our mind and welcome it to simply flow through us in any now, it transforms immediately into nothing but an experience of the All that we are.
With Love Kirsty