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Our costume we mistake for a quilt: Part One

Writer's picture: Kirsty CollettKirsty Collett
Part One: our external dress, our internal Brilliance, and our forgetful little mind.


You know when you hear something new for the first time and it feels uncomfortable because it doesn’t fit anything that you’ve worn before — it doesn’t coordinate with your costume in this lifetime?

Well, that’s called a new outfit. It’s called a new costume to try on. You see, regardless of how you express your truth, it’s still just a costume, an overlay, a subjective offering not adequate to clothe the All.

You see, the All dresses in many outfits, in many colours, and in many fabrics. The All enjoys a varied wardrobe, just as much as I do. The All wears not costumes, however, just expressions indicative of individual offerings of Love.

My Love dresses me not in clothes, not in material clothes anyway. My love clothes me in Brilliance. My Love shelters my body in Source energy. My Love feeds my body with that same Source energy. My Love honours the all equally, regardless of the costumes clothing the individual expressions that it is. My Love is the individual expressions that we are. So don’t attempt or expect to shed your skin, only to remove it as a barrier to the Brilliance that you are.

Now, I want to let you know that my Love is not just my Love. I want to clarify that my Love is the Love of the All. In other words, the Love that I Brilliantly offer through this Wisdom is not anything other than your Love, my Love, our Love, the all’s Love.

Can you see now how foolish it is when we judge our costumes, as if we are individual Love? As if we are isolated from one another? As if you and I are not connected?

Like a patchwork quilt, we are closely united yet individual in our expression of Love. And the blanket, oh the blanket that we could offer another were we to recognise our union as ONE.

Why, the warmth of that offering — that blanket of oneness — would offer enough comfort that we would never fear the cold again.

Will you freely join my quilt, changing nothing about who you are other than your denial of your connection to the All?

Thank you.

Transcript of the recorded Freedom Wisdom:

Sometimes we’re offered Wisdom in an unspoken manner. We’re offered Wisdom in a way that we do not actually realise that we are receiving. We are offered Wisdom freely through nature, through offerings of events, circumstances, situations, and it’s only in hindsight that we sometimes realise what an offering of Wisdom we were gifted. It’s only in hindsight, after we have experienced all that that offering of Wisdom gifted us, that we are realising of its Divine Presence.

Today, I have a message for you, gifted from Divine Presence. A message that is destined for the all. A message that Kirsty wants only to gift freely to the all.

Now, that might be news to Kirsty. That might be not anything Kirsty is aware of. But you see, Kirsty has gifted her Lower Self to Love, and so the messages of Love are free to flow through Kirsty to you.

Today’s message speaks about the costumes that we are born into in this lifetime. They speak about the masks or the falsehoods that we mistakenly identify as who we are.

Now, this costume that Kirsty wears, let’s use that as an example. We guided Kirsty today to wear a green dress. We said that green was the energy required for this Wisdom. Now, so trusting is Kirsty in the offerings we gift her, that she is, indeed, wearing a green dress. Thank you for your faith in our Brilliance.

But really, all Kirsty chose to wear today is fabric, a colour, a style, all related to a false hood she mistakes still as who she is. You see, Kirsty might be this image that she projects. She might be this lowest expression of Love. But at her core, Kirsty is not only not this costume, but she is not a lower expression of anything.

You see, we are, behind our false hoods, the highest radiance of Love. And that is the radiance that we worship when we freely allow the all that we are within us to simply exist, harmoniously, free as a bird flies.

So, the green dress: this represents an outer layer or an external impression, if you like, of our truth. The green dress consists of the physical manifestation of our existence here on earth. Now, we’re using this as an example remember, so please don’t take us literally. It’s a metaphor for our costume of this earthly dimension.

Now, we guided a green dress as Kirsty’s choice this morning for another reason, too. Because you see, the green energy vibrates at the heart frequency of Love. The green energy represents the heart chakra's Brilliance at its fullness. We are all currently Brilliantly awakening our heart, and we are not achieving that, we are simply allowing that at all times. There is not one of us who is not currently working gently towards awakening their heart.

Now, that might seem confusing for many of you. That might seem untrue for some of you. But you see, even those who have no idea that they are a heart of Love within, they, too, are still rising towards the light that they are. Because even when we are not comprehending our ascension towards our truth within, we are still ascending, nonetheless. Divinely are we guided at all times by all that we are within.

Our mind’s forgetful sometimes of that. Our minds are denying sometimes of that. So we might hear this Wisdom and go, “I disagree. It’s a lie, a false hood. It’s bullshit!”

But not is it bullshit, not is it a falsehood, and most certainly not is it a lie. It is a truth perhaps your mind is unwilling to recognise at this point in time, but just because it is unknown, just because it is new — the concept, we mean — does not mean that it is not reality. It just means that there’s a dress waiting for you still to try on in your wardrobe of this life.

Thank you.

Kirsty x

Kirsty Collett


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