When you allow your imperfections, freely accepting your dualistic divisions, then you bring together the yin and the yang, and you realise that perfection is nothing other than the fullness of who you are.
The whole world is waking up to the realisation that there is more to our Being — that we are not just physical presences, but energetic expressions of Love.
If you were to consider an energetic expression of Love as a light form, that would be accurate. It would be accurate to assume that that light could be brilliant or dull, but it would be inaccurate to assume that that light could be switched off. That light simply IS.
Many times when we feel dark, we forget that dark is not the absence of light, but the blockage of light. This is helpful to understand because the remedy is simple. We do not need a source of light outside of ourselves to brighten our glow, we simply need to unblock our Brilliance within.
This Brilliance within depends on nothing external. More money, more sex, more material goods, more muscles, more knowledge, more followers, more approval has no impact on our glow; in fact, it can darken our glow because this reliance is a form of denial of our power within.
You see, we operate the wrong way around. We look outwards for who we are. We try and find ourselves in a job, in an experience, in our appearance, in another, but really, we can only truly find ourselves within. But you can’t go looking by expecting to discover perfection; you can only go looking by expecting to find truth — the truth that you are imperfect.
When you allow your imperfections, freely accepting your dualistic divisions, then you bring together the yin and the yang and you realise that perfection is nothing other than the fullness of who you are.
Thank you.