I was gifted these words from my Highest upon waking yesterday, and I have now received a Freedom Wisdom to accompany them:
There is within us all the Wisdom of Love, and whilst we might interpret this in our own unique way, offering this deep guidance various names and labels, ultimately, we are sourcing from One.
This One, I call Love. You might call it God, Source, the All. There is no right or wrong, there is simply what feels aligned with your divine expression of truth.
My expression of the Wisdom of Love shines outwardly as words, but not is it greater or lesser than any other expression of our Brilliance. It is simply my expression that I am being called to freely share, and more and more, I find it impossible to suppress, for I have awareness that to do so is to dishonour the vital purpose of my presence here.
But recently, I have learnt that silence is also belonging to my Wisdom. It is what enables me to hold space for the vitalness of perspectives and expressions other than my own. Not is that a denial of what I am being called to share; it is simply a knowing of where and with whom and when that sharing is valuable.
I feel blessed to have found this outlet to speak freely the Wisdom of my truth, but I feel guided to emphasise that my truth is allowing of your own.
I think we can all learn the value of this silence as a necessary offering to the all. It enables us to hold onto our unique perspective whilst holding space for another’s to bloom.
And I’m seeing a hydrangea, one of my favourite garden queens, whose full bloom is an eruption of individual flowers. I think a hydrangea’s collective bloom is called a mophead, but in my mind it’s blooming as Love!
With Love