Have you ever felt stuck, as if you are stuck between a rock and a hard place? It might feel as if no matter what you choose, in terms of action, you will experience undesirable outcomes.
How are these stuck times best managed? How can they be experienced in a way that removes the rock and the hard place so all that is left is space to freely flow according to your Inner Wisdom?
It’s not as difficult as you might think; in fact, it’s very simple, as is Being Love. It’s simple because it simply requires allowance of the all. When we allow the rock, when we don’t fight the rock’s existence, it ceases to be a boulder blocking your path and merely an obstacle you must journey around. And when you allow the hard place, it ceases to exist as anything other than a hard place to be in.
So now, we are stuck not between a rock and hard place, we are simply in a hard place with obstacles we must journey around. All that has altered is our perspective of what is, and this heightened perspective opens up an enormity of potential.
You see, by remaining allowing, we are enabling all we experience to shift and flow; we have not solidified it into a rock and a hard place. Instead, we have risen above the entrapment of a lower perspective. This enables us an enormity of options from which to choose because we see that nothing is ever fixed permanently. We see that there is no experience that lasts forever, and we see that a simple change of perspective can gift us freedom despite a rock and a hard place.
Perhaps that rock becomes a vital lesson on your journey. Perhaps that hard place becomes an opportunity to source from within you your Brilliance. Perhaps that experience of stuckness stimulates your flow. And perhaps your flow offers freedom not only to your Brilliance, but to all those who made up that rock and the hard place.
You see, we are never isolated on our journeys; we are always assisting one another to find this freedom. In other words, that rock was placed divinely on your path, not to block you, not to hinder your flow, but to stimulate your awareness that you are flow, that you are energy of Love. And yes, when we are awakening or remembering that we are energy of Love, there can be hard experiences, for how can we appreciate the ease of flow that we are if we have not felt the opposite of stuckness?
This heightened perspective can alter your life. It can help you reframe any experience into an allowance of your truth. Our Inner Wisdom will always offer us this heightened perspective, and we can contemplate and ask questions in ways that nurture it. Try these ones on for size:
What am I being gifted? What am I being guided to learn? How can I grow through this experience? What are the lessons I am not yet seeing? I know there is a lesson here and, when I go within, that lesson will become clear. This situation or experience is triggering within me a feeling. What is that feeling? Instead of focusing outward on my stuckness, I am going to honour that feeling within. I am going to listen with compassion to the message of that feeling, understanding that this was the purpose of this situation, understanding that every outer experience that triggers within me depth of emotion is serving the freedom of my flow within, understanding that if I simply honour that emotion with allowance then it will flow freely through me and not stick to me, and then perhaps I would recognise the divine correlation between stick and stuck — between my inner and outer worlds.
I wonder how much your external world would soften when your ease of flow within is allowed.
Thank you.