It's the 1st of September, the first day of spring, and this morning, I was gifted this brilliance of tune. The song of the birds sings to my soul of a lifetime living in the now.
Come here, they offer. Be here, they sing. Be only here in the now. We sing of freedom, we sing of joy, we honour the moment we’re in. And it will pass, the sun will awaken, and our song will cease for the day. But right now, we offer the pleasure within us and that is our gift, not to anyone but ourselves. When you, too, sing your joy in the moment, you, too, will gift yourself the all. The all is the presence not the observation, just the beingness, pure and simple. The observation comes and goes, for it is ever-changing; the beingness is the gift that we joyfully share in our song.
So what that means, is that when the birds awaken, they joyfully express their brilliance of beingness in the moment. They honour the very presence that they are. It is the song of their Souls' perfection that they resonate, each understanding that they are all singing the same song.
Can you imagine the day that we realise that their song is also our song? That we, too, are of the Love that they wisely already understand. Imagine the day that we sing in unison of our freedom? Our freedom to be the all that we are.
That day is coming. It is upon us, and we are waking up, just like the birds, to a new dawn. We just have a little bit of remembering to do first. And this is what the Freedom Wisdoms I receive assist us to remember.
Great days full of joy and birdsong to you all.
Thank you.