The danger is not in mistake-making, but in mistake-denying.
Being wrong is just the other side of being right. It is the dark side of right. But it is less dangerous to understand that you are wrong than it is to be attached to being right. The real danger is not in mistake-making, but in mistake-denying.
You see, if you are wrong but you deny your mistake, then you are denying freedom within because denial is the ultimate form of entrapment of any energy. Denied energy will not complete its freedom cycle within; instead, that mistake will fester as a darkness that has not been released.
But as soon as you welcome your mistake with recognition — and a willingness to be wrong — then that energy can simply be released because you are allowing of it. You are not pretending that it is not there. Pretense is a false hood and false hoods imprison us.
So be OK with your mistakes. They are simply lessons showing us where we can grow.
Thank you.