Gratitude, excitement, and ease is flowing through me. I feel like I have just completed a module of learning in “Freedom of Expression” — a module that has been gifted to me through experiences with others.
I have faced lesson after lesson over the past few weeks and they've not all been what might be perceived as enjoyable, but I am also learning that “enjoyable” is just a judgement of my mind, and so I have found enjoyment in the difficulties of the lessons I have learnt.
I’m feeling guided to summarise my learnings for you, not to claim “expertise” in expression, just to share the Higher perspectives my Wisdom has offered me:
Prior to expressing outwardly my truth, I need to check-in to see if that truth is belonging to my lowest or my Highest. I can do this by shifting all my attention inwards, removing all blame and judgement of another so that my perspective is not clouded by that denial of our Oneness.
I know when I’ve revealed the truth of my Highest, for gratitude for learning is present; I see the Other as an expression of my truth; and compassion flows, grows and resonates from my Being.
I know I am speaking from my Highest when the words that I gift to another are not accusatory, laced with fear perhaps masked by anger; rather, they allow for another’s perspective whilst honouring my own. There is no sense of argument, competition, or comparison; rather, gratitude, respect, and equality are the key components of what I offer.
I know if I’ve succeeded in expressing from my Highest when my expression lands gently with another. Many times, it’s not the words that I choose but the energy that they hold, the humbleness they’re presented with, and the authenticity of their truth.
I feel excitement about what I have already learnt, and I wonder what my next module will hold, reveal, and transform within me.
When we treat our life, this world, our togetherness as one big learning opportunity, gratitude is more easily sourced from within. Together we learn, together we grow, and I am grateful you are my classmates in this education I call LIFE.
With Love Kirsty