Last night, I dreamt of enormous waves, but they had no pattern; they came in all directions, and as I crested one, I crested nothing. I did not rise. I did not enjoy a sensation of a higher perspective. It was nothing; it was an illusion of my mind.
Waves have featured in my dreams my entire life — big waves, tidal waves, tsunamis, wash aways — but as I receive Wisdom about this dream, I know it is different. I know it is not representing an eruption of energy or depth of emotion; rather, it is the surface turmoil of my mind presenting itself in my dream.
My Wisdom is letting me know this morning of its purpose; it’s letting me know, as these words flow through me, of its why:
My mind is panicking a little bit because my Wisdom is gaining allowance within me. More and more I am turning to my Inner Knowing as my provider of guidance. More and more my mind is losing the control it once had on my Being. Where once it forced action, I no longer force anything. Where once it prompted reactions of fear, I now fear little. Where once it made the Other my priority, now there is no Other for we are One.
My world within is calming, and my mind is a little stormy in response. We often hear about the calm before the storm, but in my awakening experience, there’s often a storm before the calm.
The storm belongs not to our Brilliance but to our ego. It storms not to be difficult, not to refuse our truth; it storms as if it’s detoxing from a poison it’s been subjected to for its entirety — the poison of conditioning, the poison of fear, the poison of being told it cannot trust guidance from beyond it.
My poor mind! What a load of responsibility it has carried. So I am gentle with it. I shower it not with hatred for the storm, but with loving allowance so that it may also have freedom to rest.
This storm shall pass, and in the meantime, I will crest these waves with remembrance that they are nothing, and when my mind realises the calmness below this surface storm, my thoughts will be anchored in Love and my mind will be guided by the breeze of the Brilliance of my truth.
With Love Kirsty