This is my welcome, this is my introduction, this is the first Freedom Wisdom I offer you, and I hope it ignites at least a little curiosity or wonder within you.
Transcript of the recorded Freedom Wisdom:
Welcome to Simply Being Love. It is an honour to welcome you; it is a pleasure to allow your Presence; it is a freedom I bring you; it is a divine reception of Wisdom that I share with you; and it is an awakening of remembrance that I reveal within me. A remembrance of a truth that I am Brilliance of Love within.
Gosh, that sounds intense! And actually, the journey to remembrance, it was intense. But really, where I am now, who I am now, in my fullness, really this is who we ALL are when we are free within, when we are flowing with Love within, when are free of blocks, free of resistance, free of denial of anything at all. This is who we are; it’s the most natural “who we are” that we can be.
It’s just that it’s a little bit unfamiliar to hear anyone refer to themselves as Brilliant. It’s a little bit confronting to hear someone else refer to themselves as free, as if they were insinuating that you were not. But really, these words, they come not from my ego-mind, they come not from my lower self, from my little person. No, they come from my innate Wisdom within, from my Higher Self, from my Brilliance.
When I refer to my Brilliance, I am also acknowledging and honouring your Brilliance because we are the same, we are ONE. So the Brilliance in me worships the Brilliance within you. Don’t be put off by this word Brilliance, either. Brilliance is another word for Light, Fullness, Freedom, Allowance, Grace — it just depends on your preference really. You could use Christ within, just simple Love within. That word Brilliance could be substituted for any other word that references your truth, who you truly are, your wholeness, your freedom, your oneness, your completeness.
What Brilliance doesn't refer to is a false hood, a mask. It doesn't refer to this costume that we wear when we are blocking who we truly are. That's not Brilliance, that's an illusion, really. And I had that false hood, I had that illusion masking my truth for my entire adult life; in fact, it was less like an illusion and more like a prison. It imprisoned me. This denial of my truth imprisoned me. Oh, my truth was till there, my Brilliance was still there. How can it not be there when that is who we are? But it was so forgotten, it was so imprisoned behind this facade that I felt not light within, not brilliant within, but dark, so dark within. I was so imprisoned behind block after block after block that my glow was diminished.
But then I woke up. And it wasn't as easy as that sounds! It was painfully intense, but that's a story for another time. That journey, I will share another time. What I wanted to share right now, is the simple ease of allowance. Because that's what I woke up to: this understanding that by allowing the darkness, by allowing the blocks to my Brilliance, by allowing the ALL within me, denying nothing — denying no pain, denying no negativity, denying no fear — by allowing equally the ALL to simply BE, my Brilliance was gradually revealed.
You see, the blocks are simply those energies that have not been allowed the freedom to flow. They are those energies that we deny: sadness, shame, anger, any pain, any pain that we suppress. We deny it, we resist it, and then it becomes a block, a concrete block, in what, over time, becomes a prison, imprisoning our fullness, our beauty, our joy, our radiance, our truth.
So, how do we unblock? By allowing, by no longer resisting, by no longer denying any energy the honour of simply existing. Energy just wants to be, it just wants to run its course, it just wants to freely exist, it just wants to flow in and flow out. That is the cycle of life, that is the breath of who we truly are. Nothing wants to remain stagnant naturally. It is only the mind, it is only the mind's fear or the mind's denial that causes this energy to fester within us, manifesting in all manner of negative ways. The only thing that doesn't fester when it's blocked within, is Love. Love just rests patiently, allowing all manifestations of blocked energy, understanding that it's ALL part of the journey to awakening from forgetfulness to your truth.
I will share so much more about this. I will share my own journey, and I will share the lessons that I learnt along the way, and I will share the wisdoms that I receive — that you will receive when you are free. For freedom and wisdom, they go hand in hand, they go hand in your hand. We ALL go hand in hand because we are really all leading one another home. And for me, with the purity of my flow — and by purity, I simply mean the freedom of my flow, the freedom from resistance or blocks to that flow — my Home is simply Being Love. But if you still have blocks or denial or resistance on some level, then your home might not be simply Being Love right now, and that's OK. But the truth never lies, so fear not, when you are free within, you will reveal the Brilliance of Love.
Thank you.