Back in the day when I was a singer/songwriter, when music was the great love of my life, I dreamed of escaping what I deemed to be the mundane.
Fast forward 20 years and the mundane doesn’t exist! The mundane was only a mind uncomfortable with the reality it perceived.
My reality, these days, is what I choose to see.
My reality, these days, is how I perceive any now I am in.
With my eyes attuned to the Brilliance of Love, I never see anything I am not.
With my heart aware I am the all at all times, mundane loses adequacy to describe the marvellous simplicity in any now of my existence.
Oh, I still have moments of wanting to escape and I still feel overwhelmed at times by the density of this dimension, but mundane it is never, mundane it is not, for mundane denies the Brilliance of what is.
Ask yourself, What do you see? Because what you see depends a whole lot on what you choose to see, and here you can replace seeing with perceiving what is.
With Love Kirsty