After a delightful two-week break with my family over the school holidays, I am now welcoming people back into my healing space, both in-person and online, and they are greeted with the most beautiful cherry blossom right outside my window.
The sun pours into this healing space and the blossom is a reflection of all the blooming that occurs! I am so grateful, so grateful that I have the honour of freely gifting to the all the Love that I am, that we all are, that the All is.
I have been questioned about why I wish to offer these healings for free, and I fought against that desire for many months because I was listening not to my heart, but to my mind, my conditioning, my false hood.
My heart understands that I am so abundantly provided for that I have freedom to honour these healings, with no obligation of payment. There is no obligation for anyone who enters my healing space, in-person or otherwise, to pay financially for the Love that I gift.
Now, I am no in way an advocate for the free services of healing; I am only an advocate for my heart’s desires, and my heart desires to serve Love freely for the All.
I have abundance of Love, abundance of laughter, abundance of peace, abundance of freedom, abundance of support, abundance of riches beyond the material. And I have abundance of trust that I am being called to freely gift the Love that I offer for a purpose beyond my comprehension in this now.
It releases me from a need to market that which is unmarketable. It releases me from the expectation of gaining something in return for the Love that I offer. And it frees me, it frees me, it frees me to be all that I am, for all that I am is not an hourly rate, it is not defined by a financial value. It is defined by an absolute faith that I will be abundantly provided for when I am abundantly free within. This faith — that I have all that I ever need within — frees me and it feeds me.
But that is my heart’s desire; it is not necessarily yours. So I am not suggesting that you, too, must honour your healing services for free, but rather, that you must honour your heart’s desires at all times.
Thank you. Kirsty