Let's first differentiate between what our mind perceives as knowing and what our heart Knows is Knowing.
Our mind only knows surface expressions of truth — factual, provable, worked-out truth, if truth, in this respect, is what we know to be already.
But our heart has no concern for what we already know; rather, it Knows what it Knows regardless of any surface facts or perceived truth. Our heart senses not facts but energy, so it Knows what a mind will never know.
Our greatest Knowings arrive not from the mind but from a heart gifting inspiration. We might believe that the mind is the source of our ideas, but it’s only working with inspiration and that is all.
Inspiration, what does it mean? From my perspective, inspiration is when our Spirit speaks and we listen. There’s a beautiful harmony between the Human and the Being.
Only, the Human often resists inspiration. Minds have become so fearful of the unknown, which is merely the Known unmanifested, that rejection of inspiration can be instantaneous, unless, of course, it fits within the boundaries of what we know or of what we deem acceptable to not know.
My client yesterday spoke about the Knowings she has when working therapeutically with her clients. She wants to share more freely her Knowings, but her mind fears that what she will share will be irrelevant or a lie.
My heart had already sensed this. I had already received Wisdom alluding to this very conversation. I didn’t know it with my mind, but my heart had a Knowing that I used my mind to honour.
I have much I could share about discernment, but for now, I want to consider more deeply the Wisdom I received to share with my client — Wisdom I now share with you on this powerful 11/11/22 day, not because I need you to know this but because it illuminates what you already Know:
“Allow your inner Knowing to be heard. You’re already working one-on-one, and I wonder if you could reframe that as One-to-One, seeing the other as an extension of who you are, realising that you know about them not because you can bridge gaps but because the only gap is the mind’s appreciation of our connection.”
With Love
Kirsty 💛