Kirsty Collett
Nov 30, 2022
Simply BEING Brilliant
I see stars and I wonder if they realise how Brilliant they are. I wonder if, from their perspective, they appreciate their stardom, or...
Kirsty Collett
Nov 29, 2022
The Gift of Burn-Out
I woke up feeling irritable, and during my morning meditation, this Popcorn Song — that wrote itself in my kitchen years ago — popped...
Kirsty Collett
Nov 28, 2022
Lean into green!
Sometimes, we grow ideas about what we’re capable of and then we stay within strict boundaries of those ideas, never realising that they...
Kirsty Collett
Nov 11, 2022
You Know
Let's first differentiate between what our mind perceives as knowing and what our heart Knows is Knowing. Our mind only knows surface...
Kirsty Collett
Nov 2, 2022
Ease is the music of our Being
My heart feels empowered when I listen intently to the lyrics of the song that it sings — when I hear the Wisdom that is resting in the...