Kirsty Collett
Oct 24, 2021
Allowance of uniqueness is our Saviour
All the words I offer in every post I share have arisen not from my Lower Self’s thinking mind, but from the Brilliance at my core. It is...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 23, 2021
The divisiveness of positive thinking
For too long we have been conditioned to put a 'positive' spin on ourselves, as if we are one half of the all, and it’s the biggest...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 22, 2021
Nourishing Wisdom with a blessing from Love
The Wisdom I receive is very specific to the energy of whoever I am working with. I translate through words the vibrational resonances I...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 21, 2021
We realise our flow by first swimming against it
Often, we find ourselves flowing down a stream that is not truly our stream; it is not truly our flow; rather, we have been caught up in...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 20, 2021
I offer you my help to help yourself
Help is a word with many connotations. It can mean, for many people, suppression of power, as if to be helped is to be assaulted in some...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 19, 2021
Why I do not attach an obligation of payment to my healings
After a delightful two-week break with my family over the school holidays, I am now welcoming people back into my healing space, both...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 18, 2021
The birds are onto something
I awoke to this glorious birdsong when I was in Akaroa, and recently, when I was with my father in the Hawke’s Bay, he made a comment...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 17, 2021
Let's free ourselves from our lower perception of bliss
Blissful can be such a misunderstood word. It can be identified as a permanency of elation, as if the bliss of enlightenment is this...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 16, 2021
The nurturing of allowance affords us our bliss
Saturdays used to be my favourite days. They marked the end of work and the beginning of play and were empty of must-dos, for the most...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 15, 2021
We cannot learn freedom, we can only realise freedom
Just like the wind, my heart whispers, be free. But I must still the shouting in my mind in order to hear these whispers within. And I...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 14, 2021
A sacred site? Or a sacred sense of my Being?
My father took me to this sacred site a few days ago, and I say sacred not because it’s been blessed by a church or recognised by a god,...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 13, 2021
Beyond our death, our presence remains
I came across this broken-off sprig of something over the weekend on Mahia Peninsula. There it was, resting upon this rock, brilliantly...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 9, 2021
The wings you realise when you soar within
We have wings and we don’t even realise it. We soar within. It is only from our perspective of this soaring that we realise we have...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 7, 2021
The Sound of Serene
I wrote this song, Sound of Serene, many years ago. The words erupted from my core, almost birthed from my Being, offering me insight far...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 6, 2021
An invitation to fearlessly shine your fullness
When I receive these pocket-sized Wisdoms, I sometimes can't believe their Brilliance. I can't believe that within me is this Wisdom. And...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 6, 2021
The brilliant lens of Love: a perspective that guides us Home
Here are some Freedom Wisdoms I was offered on my journey to awakening within. They are not promises, they are just what is when you are...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 5, 2021
Our differences unite us as one
Sometimes we dishonour others for being different, as if being different was a crime of its own. Different. So much fear does that word...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 4, 2021
Why we should spread our wings instead of grounding down
As a trained meditation teacher and healing guide, I have offered others incorrect information based upon an idea that arose from within...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 4, 2021
My trauma truth
A trauma response is an echo of a block. A trauma response is but an offering of awareness of this block. The trauma itself is the...
Kirsty Collett
Oct 3, 2021
The costume we mistake for a quilt: Part Three
PART THREE: How the "dark night of your soul" is truly the brightest elevation of your truth. Introduction: There may be times in your...